
Alserkal Group Services- AC DUCT CLEANING       



Air Ducts are ideal breeding grounds for dust, dust mites, bacteria, fungi and thousands of other microorganisms. These contaminants are blasted into the indoor environment every time the A/C system is running - which is over 95% of the time in the summer months. This indoor air pollution leads to sinus problems, respiratory difficulties and intense aller

Clean air ducts run more efficiently, saving money on electricity and extending the life of the equipment. 20% of illnesses are caused by or aggravated by polluted indoor air and there is a direct relationship between allergy suffering and fungi and bacteria in the A/C system.
ALSERKAL / Master Plumber, we clean A/C ducts, using internationally recognized procedures and standards. Our highly trained staff are quick, thorough and enable daily life to carry on with a minimum of interruption while the work is done. We treat the entire system , our Solutions registered long-lasting anti-microbial surface protection to prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria and fungi.




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